young and true

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Youth is a life that is still being created. It is still at a stage where it is not too arrogant and lost. Youth is a life that signifies hope, exploration and a longing to know the truth about life.

The word ‘truth’ has been used in many ways and most people think that truth is something from another world, so what is truth? Look at it this way: whatever really works in any area of ​​life is truth. For example, if you want to walk, is it better to walk on your feet or on your head? If you walk on your head you won’t be able to walk very far. You will just become bald. Obviously, it is better to walk on your feet. I am giving a very simple example, but this is the essence of truth. In different dimensions of life, what is it that really works? Finding this is the search for truth.

India has been a culture that has always been a land of seekers, never a land of believers. The question is: do you have assumptions and rigid ideas about everything or are you willing to seek the truth about any aspect of life because you want it to happen in the best possible way?

Youth must become seekers of truth

India is fortunate that 50 per cent of its population is below the age of 25. No other country on earth has such a good fortune, but to make it a real fortune, the youth must become seekers of truth. They must not cling to any ideology, belief system or philosophy. This is what being young means: you are not willing to settle for what is false. You want to find out what really works in every sphere of life – your body, your mind, your emotions, your life energy, your relationship with the rest of the world.

If this search and quest is abandoned you will no longer be young. You grow old while still being young. You stop and prepare for the grave. Your date of birth does not determine whether you are young or old. Whether you have drawn conclusions about life or whether you are still open to knowing the nature of life and searching – that is what makes you young or old. It is important that every life remains young. Especially for the youth of this country and the world it is very important that you are seekers of truth, only then will you remain young.

Youth should move towards responsibility

It is time for the world’s population, especially the youth, to move from religion to responsibility. What you make of your life is 100% your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of the stars, planets or the powers above. It is in your hands to make this life the way you want it to be. This is the fundamental thing about being young – you are willing to take responsibility for whatever you are. You have not become a life that looks to the stars about, “Why am I unhappy? Why am I not successful? Why is my life not beautiful?” You are not looking upwards. You are willing to look inwards and find answers. This means you are in search of truth.

Many years ago Swami Vivekananda said, “Give me 100 young people who are really committed. I will change the face of this country.” We should be able to produce millions of young people who are really committed to find out what is the truth of our existence, what is the truth of our successes and failures, what is the truth of the beautiful aspects and the ugliness of our lives. If you don’t search, you are not young. Don’t become old while you are young.

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