‘Women should get justice quickly, only then half the population will get confidence’, said PM Modi

‘Women should get justice quickly, only then half the population will get confidence’, said PM Modi

On the completion of 75 years of the Supreme Court, PM Modi attended the All India Conference of Judges on Saturday. During this, he said that crimes against women and children have become a matter of serious concern in the country. He appealed to the District Court judges to settle these cases quickly, so that a sense of security can be created especially among women and the entire society.

The Supreme Court is not an institution, it is a journey

On the completion of 75 years of the Supreme Court, PM Modi said that this is not just the journey of an institution. This is the journey of the Constitution of India and constitutional values. This is the journey of India becoming more mature as a democracy.

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The people of India have put their faith in the Supreme Court, in our judiciary. Therefore, these 75 years of the Supreme Court further enhance India’s pride as the ‘Mother of Democracy’. In the Amrit Kaal of Independence, 140 crore countrymen have only one dream of becoming a developed India, a new India.

We got a new Indian judicial code in the form of Indian Judicial Code

New India means a modern India with thinking and determination. Our judiciary is a strong pillar of this vision. We have got a new Indian judicial system in the form of the Indian Judicial Code. The spirit of these laws is – ‘Citizen First, Dignity First and Justice First’.

Our criminal laws have been liberated from the colonial mindset of rulers and slaves. But today atrocities against women and safety of children are serious concerns of the society. Many stringent laws have been made for the safety of women in the country, but we need to make them more active. The faster the decisions are made in cases related to atrocities against women, the greater will be the assurance of safety for half the population.

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