Woman tells false story that her parents abandoned me as a child and attracts 1 million followers

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Social media is something where people transcend all limitations to become famous. To gain fans, some make videos by performing deadly stunts, while others create ridiculous dances and songs. Some people pretend to be rich, and some people pretend to be poor. Recently, a similar case was exposed in China.

A woman named Xiao did something similar through her account on Kuaishou, a TikTok-like platform. He made up a false story about his personal life and told people on social media. She said she was 18 years old and lived in a village in northeastern China’s Liaoning Province. She also said her parents abandoned her when she was a child and her adoptive mother saw her on the street and brought her in. Xiao said her adoptive mother’s biological daughter had lived there for several years and had been burned to death earlier. fire.

Shaw said the fire caused severe trauma to his adoptive mother. After a while, my adoptive father kicked us both out of the house due to mental health issues. Now I’m trying to support myself and my mom. In the video, his mother is standing in the back, acting like a psychopath.

Xiao’s tragic story sparked widespread sympathy online, earning him 1.13 million followers on Kuaishou. Her video received many sympathetic comments, such as “This is so hard for you and baby, I’m going to send you some money.” Jio began to take advantage of the large number of fans on the platform and began selling consumer products through regular live broadcasts.

Due to the sudden influx of fans, his story even reached the police. On September 4, Xiao and his adoptive mother were detained for 10 days for fabricating stories for profit and disturbing public order. In addition to his mother, two members of Jiao’s team were also detained.

It turns out that Xiao’s “adoptive mother” is actually his biological mother, and she is pretending to be crazy. Following the revelations, Jio followers were outraged and felt emotionally cheated. People called for severe punishment for the woman.

Let us tell you, this is not the first case. Chinese influencers often make headlines by fabricating false stories to drive online traffic and boost live streaming revenue.

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