‘Wolves are more clever than the government because…’, amazing statement by UP minister Baby Rani

‘Wolves are more clever than the government because…’, amazing statement by UP minister Baby Rani

Wolves have created terror in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh. Due to which people are in panic. Yogi government has also directed the officials to catch the wolves. Meanwhile, UP minister Baby Rani Maurya has given an absurd statement. When Baby Rani was questioned about catching the wolves, she said that teams have been deployed to catch the wolves. We will kill them only when we find them. The wolf is more clever than the government. That is why it is not being caught.

On Friday, an 8-year-old child was attacked by a wolf

Wolves have created terror in Bahraich. Drones, cages and traps are being used to catch the wolves. Shooters have also arrived to kill the wolves. Despite this, the terror of wolves is not decreasing. On Friday, a wolf attacked an eight-year-old boy while he was playing outside his house in Mahsi tehsil. Due to which the child was injured.

Also read: Wolf attacked again last night in Bahraich, watch ‘Khabren Superfast’

He has been admitted to the hospital for treatment. The doctor said that the boy has sustained injuries, some of which are on his face. According to official figures, eight people, including seven children, have died in wolf attacks in Bahraich district in the last two months, while about three dozen people have been injured.

Wolf attacks have increased since July 17

Wolves have been attacking children and humans in the Mahsi tehsil area of ​​Bahraich since March. The attacks increased from July 17 during the rainy season and so far a total of eight people, including seven children, have died in these attacks. About three dozen people, including women, children and the elderly, have been injured in wolf attacks. About 20 of them are seriously injured.

Also read: Tiger of Lakhimpur and wolves of Bahraich… Cages and drones all failed against the man-eaters, fear spread in every village

Four wolves were caught recently. But the attacks are still continuing. Therefore, experts believe that the real man-eaters have not been caught yet. Thermal drones and thermos-sensor cameras have been installed to catch the wolves.

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