Will Wikipedia be banned in India? Why did the Delhi High Court warn the company

Will Wikipedia be banned in India? Why did the Delhi High Court warn the company

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After the order of the Delhi High Court, Wikipedia has clarified its position. Actually, a case was being heard regarding Wikipedia. Wikipedia was accused of not providing correct information and being defamatory. After this, the Delhi High Court bench warned of banning Wikipedia in India.

After the court’s warning, Wikimedia Foundation has clarified its position. Wikipedia is managed by Wikimedia Foundation. In its statement, the Foundation has said that it is dedicated to India and will take necessary steps to ensure that it does not have to face a ban-like situation in India.

What did Wikimeida say?

In its official statement, Wikimedia said, ‘We are committed to ensuring that the people of India continue to have the right to share and access free and reliable information in an open and safe online

This statement of the company has come after the warning of the Delhi High Court Bench. The bench was hearing a case filed by a news agency, in which Wikipedia was accused of giving wrong and derogatory information. In this case, Wikipedia said that the content on their page is written by volunteers.

This content is edited, modified and written by volunteers based on information received from public sources. The Delhi High Court warned Wikipedia in this matter and said that if they do not cooperate with the court, they can ask the Indian government to take action. Under this action, Wikipedia can also be banned.

What is Wikipedia and why is it asking for money?

On Wikipedia you get information on many topics for free. Users even get information in many languages. All this information is provided by volunteers. Anyone can help improve the information on Wikipedia, which is approved after checking.

This platform is completely free. However, the company has been asking for people’s support for some time now. For this, they ask for some money, which you can give as a donation. When you visit any page, you will see a message which says that Wikipedia is not for sale yet. You can donate to the company from Rs 25 to Rs 1000.

Actually, there are no ads on this website. Neither does it send you notifications of messages/ads. The company has written that they are dependent on donations, grants and other sources for money. The company says that their main source of income is the money donated by people, with the help of which they are able to manage the website.

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