Why are big companies avoiding job opportunities for Gen Z youth? The reason is surprising

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Many companies around the world are laying off Generation Z employees. People born in the late 1990s and early 2000s are called Generation Z. If you look at it, this generation is the first generation to grow up with the Internet. They are young and passionate, but companies are reluctant to hire them.

Why don’t companies hire young people?

A new survey on Gen Z reveals a growing trend around the world, with many top companies avoiding hiring Gen Z youngsters or even firing them within months of hiring them. Companies say they are hesitant to hire young people fresh out of college because they dislike their work styles, communication skills and careless work attitudes.

According to a survey by Intelligent.com, six in 10 recruiters said they have laid off many college graduates this year, while one in seven said they will not hire new graduates at their companies next year. recruitment.

Survey shows

Representatives from nearly 1,000 companies participated in Intelligent.com’s survey, the results of which were first reported by Newsweek.

In the report, Huy Nguyen, chief education and career development advisor at Intelligent.com, said, “Recent graduates may find it difficult to adapt to an office work environment for the first time because it is completely different from their college life.”

Nguyen said company owners are unsure about hiring this generation because they are not ready for the work environment, culture and responsibility.

Teenagers lack professionalism

Nguyen said these young people may have some theoretical college knowledge, but they often lack the practical experience and skills needed to integrate into office work culture.

Unlike the first generation, Generation Z is believed to have a number of problems, including inattention at work, laziness and a lack of seriousness about work, all of which are side effects of growing up in a digital world.

Young employees are quick to become inspired by and enthusiastic about political and social activities on social media, affecting their work and causing headaches for companies.

Youth jobs are unsatisfactory

About 75% of companies participating in the survey said they were dissatisfied with jobs for recent college graduates.

Meanwhile, more than half of recruiters surveyed said Gen Z is the least motivated, while 39% cited a lack of communication skills.

Nearly half (46%) say Gen Z lacks professionalism.

Experts give reasons

Many experts blame the education system for this situation.

HR consultant Brian Driscoll told Newsweek, “Today’s education emphasizes theory more than practice.” Learning Greek mythology is fun, but only if you’re teaching it. Does it prepare you to communicate effectively or demonstrate professionalism in company meetings? Can’t do this. ,

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