Which Israeli bases are in Iran’s target list? Will the entire Middle East fall into war?

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Iran-Israel Tension & War Possibility: An announcement was made to avenge the death of Hamas Chief Ismail Haniya and meanwhile Hezbollah and Houthi attacked some Israeli military bases with drones. According to reports, a civilian died there in this attack. While many soldiers were injured. However, Iran has not yet directly attacked Israel. Now Israel is saying that if it gets evidence of attack from Iran then it will not remain silent. Overall, the possibility of war between Iran and Israel cannot be ruled out. Let us know the whole story of this tension and the possibility of war.

Drone attack on Israel
With the clock ticking, the fear of war between Iran and Israel is continuously increasing. Quoting Iranian sources, different news agencies have already claimed that Iran can attack Israel at any time. But meanwhile a news from Israel is increasing the tension further. In Israel’s capital Tel Aviv, at 3:12 in the night, amidst the darkness, suddenly the sound of a drone is heard in the sky. But before that drone can be detected, people start hearing screams along with an explosion. Actually, this drone was launched by the Houthi terrorists of the neighboring country Yemen, who are against Israel and have been supporting Hamas in the ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel.

An alarm bell for Israel
Although a civilian died in this drone attack, which cannot be called very terrible in terms of the attacks happening here, but the way the terrorists penetrated Israel’s security cordon with just one drone and targeted even its capital. , That is definitely an alarm bell for Israel. But this attack is not alone. Just a day before this, Hezbollah had injured at least six soldiers in a drone attack on an Israeli military base. While Israel has killed six Hezbollah fighters in a few hours with its attack, 50 more people have been killed in the ongoing war in Gaza.

attempt to create an atmosphere of war
Obviously, all these circumstances indicate that these proxies of Iran, i.e. these organizations fighting proxy wars on behalf of Iran, are now engaged with full force in creating an atmosphere of war in the area. And at present the situation is such that just one spark can make this scheduled war start a few hours earlier.

Preparation to attack Iran
Meanwhile, Israel has also made it clear that if it gets definite intelligence input about Iran’s attack, then it will not wait for Iran’s attack. Rather he will attack Iran himself. But amidst all this, a report has attracted everyone’s attention and has also given a hint as to what the nature of this war could be. This is the report of the Institute for the Study of War.

Israel is on Iran’s target
In this report quoting Dafa News run by the Iranian Armed Forces, it has been told where and how Iran can attack Israel. This report, released on August 5, mentions possible Israeli military and civilian targets that Iran can target. In this list, apart from Israeli military bases, Israeli Military Ministry office in Tel Aviv, Knesset building of Jerusalem, eight Israeli airbases, civilian targets also include important buildings of many cities, airports, gas fields, power plants and other locations. .

Iran prepared target list
It has been said in this report that the purpose of issuing such a list by Iran could be to divert the attention of the Israeli defense system. Actually, this target list of Iran is very long and in this list there are many important targets spread over a large area of ​​Israel, which Israel can try to secure after the release of this list. That means it can spread its air and missile defense assets over a large area. And in this situation, Iran can attack some selected places.

It will be difficult to intercept missiles in the air
It has been reported in the report that when Iran launched a missile attack on Israel on April 13, 2024, the American and Israeli coalition intercepted most of the missiles in the air and shot them down, causing minimal damage to Israel. Happened. But if this time the attack comes from countries like Iraq, Lebanon or Syria apart from Iran, then it will be difficult for Israel to intercept those attacks as compared to before, because if there is an attack from these places, then one missile will be launched. The distance from till their target is hit will be less than before. Secondly, due to shorter distance, the flight time in the sky will also be reduced and due to this the missiles will not be easily detected.

Iran is creating mental pressure through the list
According to the report, the purpose of publishing the list of such targets is less to identify these targets, but more to have strategic and economic impact. By including the names of civilian targets in this list, Iran is also trying to understand how much damage it can cause to Israel and how Israel can retaliate against Iran in return. That is, the purpose behind publishing this list seems to be more to create a mental strategy.

Russia stands with Iran
There is a very old saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Russia and China have already said that they will stand with Iran in this war. Especially because America is supporting Israel against Iran on this front. But now Russian President Vladimir Putin has also given his green signal to Iran’s revenge plan. However, Putin has sent a secret message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and warned him about some conditions for this attack. Sergei Shoigu, considered close to Putin, himself had reached Iran a few days ago, after the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya, with Putin’s message, where he made Khamenei aware of Putin’s point of view. In view of the fears of war, Shoigu also held a meeting with senior Iranian officials in Tehran. If sources are to be believed, in this secret message Russia advised Iran to avoid attacking civilian targets in Israel and also reminded it about its consequences.

Iran asked for air defense systems from Russia
On the other hand, amid fears of war, Iran has appealed to Russia to start the delivery of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets soon. Whereas Russia is preparing to make a detailed agreement with Iran. Russia has already provided advanced air defense systems and various types of radars to Iran. A New York Times report states that Iran has demanded more air defense systems from Russia, whereas Iran already has the Russian-made S-300 air defense system, which can detect many attacks in advance. Meanwhile, some sources have claimed that amid the possibilities of war and turmoil, Russia is now going to start supplying S-400 defense system to Iran.

Fighter jets and warships deployed around Israel
How dangerous this situation of tension between Iran and Israel has reached can be gauged from the fact that friendly countries like America and Britain have deployed their fighter jets and warships around Israel to help it. Have started doing. Britain provided Royal Navy ships as well as R.A.F. Helicopters have also been kept on standby.

Iran will definitely attack
Looking at the current situation, it seems that Iran has linked the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya and Hezbollah’s military chief Fouad Shukar to its prestige and wants to target Israel at any cost. Iran’s neighboring countries like Jordan and Lebanon have started diplomatic efforts to reduce the tension that increased after the death of both, but Iran is not budging from its intentions. According to a report, the foreign ministers of Jordan and Lebanon visited Iran after Haniya’s death with the intention of taking stock of the situation and reducing tension, but Iran made it clear that it will attack Israel under any circumstances, no matter what. Why not start a full blown war?

Assessment of the former CIA director
David Petraeus, former director of the American intelligence agency CIA, in an interview given to Iran International, has expressed the hope that Iran may attack Israel, but both the countries would like to avoid jumping into a full-blown war at this time. Because if a full-scale war breaks out between the two countries, then both the countries will suffer terrible losses and both Iran and Israel would not want this. He said that the way Ismail Haniya was murdered inside Tehran, it is a big intelligence and security failure and a big blow for Iran.

Which country with whom?
Now the question is, who will support whom in case of war and how? If sources are to be believed, Iran may get help in this attack from Hezbollah in Lebanon, militias of Syria and Iraq and Houthi rebels of Yemen, but till now none of these countries has openly said about supporting Iran. Although Russia and China have definitely supported Iran, it is not clear how much and how these two countries will support Iran in case of war. Whereas before now Jordan’s stance has been neutral. Because earlier when Iran had fired missiles at Israel, along with America, Jordan also helped Israel. At the same time, Saudi Arabia and UAE also provided inputs to America. The special thing is that if missiles are fired from Iran, Iraq or Yemen targeting Israel, then they will have to cross Jordan’s sky, and Jordan had made it clear last time that it would not attack either Iran or Israel. Will not allow any violation of its airspace.

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