Which animals were the first to have sexual relations to propagate generations?

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There are many types of creatures in our world. Are animals. Those who have sex to have children. Dogs, cats, birds, bees and we humans too. But have you ever wondered which animal would have had sex first? That means to have a child the physical sexual process must have been completed.

These animals are ocean’s sponges. Today in the sea, they had created new sponge larvae inside the water by leaving sperm and eggs. However, scientists are still searching for the real date of this mystery. But at present, sponge is the only animal found which was the first to have sexual relations.

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Scientists from the University of Hawaii have discovered this. Sponges did not do this about 800 million years ago. After having sex, one partner would kill the other partner. Would finish it. Used to hunt. John Longsdon, Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Iowa, said that organisms having sex for the first time have been having sex even before that, we just have to find out. Which is not easy.

First Animal Sex, Sexual Reproduction

This special cell is being searched and investigated

John Longsdon said that we examined miosis to investigate this. That is, the reproductive cells formed by the breakdown of cells are called eukaryotes. This is the nucleus found inside a cell. Like plants, animals or fungi. So the question arose that when did the first eukaryotes arise?

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Which animal had sex for the first time?

Only eukaryotes can tell which animal had sex for the first time. The answer is about 200 crore years ago. This is the time when a common bacteria started exchanging some genetic information among themselves in this way. But this cannot be called having sex. Because it is not physical.

Some evidence is found from 35.9 to 41.9 million years ago

The way sexual intercourse, copulation happens. As humans or many animals do. When did this happen for the first time? Its investigation started. The earliest evidence of intimate sexual reproduction comes from placoderm fishes that existed in the Devonian period. Like Microbrachius dickii. This happened about 419 million years ago to 359 million years ago.

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First Animal Sex, Sexual Reproduction

Male Microbachius dickey fish had special claspers. Which worked like a penis. These helped in fertilizing the female fish internally. At the same time, the female body had organs to support the clasper. These fish used to dive while having sex in the sea. After this, even when they had children, male and female fishes used to dive in the same way.

What is the benefit of sexual reproduction?

If only one organism produces a child, i.e. asexual reproduction, then only its genes come inside the child. When a male and female do this together, the genes of both come into the child. Which give the child the strength and ability to survive in the future environment. Sharks are asexual. Jelly fish makes its clone in this way. But by doing sexual reproduction, changes in the environment can also be avoided.

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