Where is North Korea preparing nuclear bombs. picture revealed for the first time

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For the first time, a photo of North Korea’s banned nuclear centre has surfaced. This is a uranium enrichment site. Where a large number of centrifuges are installed. This is a special machine, which prepares the material for making nuclear bombs. The country’s ruler Kim Jong Un recently visited this centre. Apart from this, a 600 mm multiple launch rocket system was successfully tested in the Sea of Japan.

Kim Jong Un has told his scientists to increase the stockpile of nuclear weapons, so increase the amount of nuclear material produced. Apart from this site, he also visited the Nuclear Weapon Institute. Where he has asked to make weapon-grade nuclear material. This is the first time that the picture of North Korea’s nuclear program has come to light.

North Korea, Nuclear Site, Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons

The place where Kim Jong Un is roaming has been banned by the United Nations Security Council. The pictures that have come clearly show that Kim Jong Un is roaming among the centrifuges. These are the same machines that make uranium suitable for nuclear bombs. It has not been revealed when Kim Jong Un went there. Also, in which part of the country is this site located.

Preparing for war with America…

Kim Jong Un has asked the employees and scientists of the centrifuge site to make as many tactical nuclear weapons as possible. He also said that it is possible that he may have a war with America and its allies. In such a situation, it may be needed so that North Korea can be protected. If needed, we can attack first. Kim Jong Un said that our country is in danger of a nuclear attack from America and its allies. America and those who support it have crossed the red line.

North Korea, Nuclear Site, Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons

It is believed that North Korea has many enrichment sites. Satellite images have also revealed such centers. The main one among them is Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center. It has its own uranium enrichment plant. Preparations are also underway to expand it.

How many nuclear weapons does North Korea have?

North Korea has about 50 nuclear weapons. But it has so much nuclear material that it can make 70 to 90 more nuclear weapons. It can use these in its intercontinental ballistic missiles. These missiles are capable of reaching America. Apart from this, North Korea is also working on submarine-launched missiles. So there is danger from there too.

What is enrichment?

Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive substance. To make nuclear fuel from it, normal uranium is put through a special process. Then its concentration increases. Then it becomes uranium-235 isotope. International Atomic Energy Chief Rafael Grossi said that the nuclear enrichment facility in Yongbyon is working continuously. Kim has asked to make more material for weapons.

North Korea, Nuclear Site, Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons

Not only this, new types of centrifuges have also been installed in the facility. So that more and more nuclear fuel can be made. Along with this, weapon-grade nuclear material can be prepared. Ankit Panda of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said that North Korea is making nuclear fuel with two new types of centrifuges. This will increase the capacity to make nuclear weapons. Very soon North Korea will have hundreds of nuclear weapons.

Kim fired multiple 600 mm rockets

Kim Jong Un successfully tested a 600 mm multiple launch rocket system towards the Sea of Japan on Thursday. This information was given by North Korea’s official news agency KCNA. Kim Jong Un himself was present there during the testing of these rockets. The rockets successfully hit their targets. These targets were set in the Sea of Japan.

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