“When I said it, the whole world listened…” PM Modi showcased India’s strength in New York

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Prime Minister Modi said in New York that we are becoming a loud voice of the global South. As you must have seen, under India’s initiative, the African Union obtained a permanent member seat at the G20 Summit. Today, when India speaks on a global platform, the world listens. Some time ago, when I said that now is not the time for war, everyone understood the seriousness of it.

Prime Minister Modi said that today, wherever there is a crisis in the world, India is the first responder. During the COVID-19 epidemic, we sent medicines to more than 150 countries. Whether it was an earthquake, hurricane or civil war, we were the first to lend a helping hand. This is the teaching of our ancestors and this is our value. Prime Minister Modi said that India today is becoming the new cationic agent in the world. The impact is evident in every field. India will play an important role in accelerating global growth, global peace and global climate action. Whether it is global innovation or the stability of global supply chains, India’s role will play an important role.

For India, power and strength means Gyanayah, Danayah Cha Rakshanayah…that is, knowledge for sharing, wealth for care, and power for protection. Therefore, India’s priority is not to increase pressure on the world but to increase influence. We are not troubled people like you, we are people who shine like the sun. We don’t want to dominate the world, but we want to contribute more to world prosperity. He said that whether it is promoting yoga or promoting super food Xiaomi… while India is focusing on GDP-centered growth, it also prioritizes people-centered growth.

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