…when America bought land abroad to settle its slaves and founded a new country

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Have you heard of a country which was settled by another country by buying land abroad and that too for its slaves. Meaning an entire country was settled to settle slaves. Yes, this has happened and it is connected to America. Right now the hustle and bustle of the presidential election is intensifying in America, so in such a situation it is worth taking a look at the history of America. Whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the US election, its result will be seen in the form of a change in policies regarding the whole world. Therefore, it is very important to know this important story of American history.)

The past, present and future of America i.e. Uncle Sam, all have an impact on the rest of the world. There have been many such forgotten chapters in American history about which even today very few people know, but their message has been very widespread. This country of Lincoln, Martin Luther King-Junior and Kennedy became independent in 1776 i.e. 171 years before India’s independence.

This country named America, once known as the country of hippies and gypsies, kept on changing… Lifestyle changed from the era of jazz music to pop music, and countries like America taught many lessons to the world by moving ahead on many human reforms like civil society, civil rights and steps to eradicate racial discrimination against black people. Today we are talking about that era when America bought land and created a new country to end slavery.

The story of slavery

America was never a land of only whites. America was a land of Red Indians whose population reduced to just 2 percent by the 19th century. But the population of African blacks in America was even more than them. The population of African blacks brought to America as slaves was 15 percent but they were not counted. They were slaves. They had replaced the Irish labourers who came with the British long ago but they had no rights. Being a slave was legal there. They were working in American fields for two hundred years, building buildings in the capital of America, making America a centre of industry, generation after generation.

But there were some people who were pained by the practice of slavery in America, human pain. They would wonder how one human being could be a slave to another human being? This happened much before Abraham Lincoln. American President James Monroe thought of freeing them. They were freed from the northern states but now the question arose as to where these freed people should go. Should they go back to Africa?

Then came the idea of ​​settling a new country. Let us know what is the story of that country which America settled by buying land abroad.

The idea of ​​settling a new country…

They had been living here for generations. They did not even know the village or home of their ancestors in Africa. Then President James Monroe and some rich feudal lords started looking for land in Africa to settle them. The area chosen was West Africa. A country was formed by buying land there – Liberia i.e. Land of Liberation. Its capital was made Monrovia, named after Monroe. It also got a flag like America which is there till date.

Whose role was behind the new country?

Apart from American President James Monroe, the prominent people who played an important role in settling Liberia were – Paul Cuffe who was the founder and first president of the American Colonization Society. He played an important role in buying land and setting up the settlement for the establishment of Liberia. Jedediah B. Croom who was the first governor of Liberia. He played an important role in establishing the settlement in Liberia in 1822 and became the first leader of the country. Robert Ellis who was the second governor of Liberia. He played an important role in the development of the country and helped make Liberia an independent country. Joseph Jenkins Roberts was the first President of Liberia. He declared Liberia an independent country in 1848 and became the first President of the country.

How was the money raised?

The US spent approximately $1 million to settle Liberia, a huge sum at the time. The money was raised by the American Colonization Society, to which many American citizens and organizations contributed. The US government passed an act in 1819, allocating $100,000 for the establishment of Liberia.

In addition, the American Colonization Society campaigned to raise funds for the founding of Liberia and received contributions from many American citizens. Many American citizens personally donated money to the founding of Liberia, including American politician and senator John Calhoun who contributed $10,000, American politician and senator Henry Clay who contributed $5,000, and American politician and lawyer Daniel Webster who contributed $2,000.

(Image- Getty)

Where and how did people settle?

Before Liberia was formed, various African tribes lived in that place. The American Colonization Society bought 36,000 acres of land from the leader of the Diola tribe for $300 to establish Liberia in 1822. This land was in the vicinity of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Then work began to establish the settlement. They sent ships to bring the first settlers and gave them land.

However, many African tribes opposed the new settlement because they feared losing their land and freedom. The British government also opposed the American effort. Slave owners were also opposed. They feared that they would lose their slaves due to the freedom of slaves. But despite these oppositions, the American Colonization Society continued to work to establish Liberia and gradually developed the country.

Challenges of a unique country…

The story of Liberia is interesting and unique. It is a country that was founded by the descendants of American slaves who were looking for freedom and equality. This story begins in the 18th century, when slavery was at its peak in America. Many American slaves were looking for freedom, but they had to struggle for their rights. At the same time, the American Colonization Society decided to establish a colony in West Africa. The purpose of this society was to free the slaves and provide them with an opportunity to start a new life. This society bought land in West Africa and established a colony there. This colony was named Liberia, which means ‘freedom’. Liberia was founded in 1822.

Liberia’s name is derived from the Latin word ‘liber’, which means ‘freedom’. But Liberia’s journey was not easy. The country faced many challenges, such as economic crisis, political instability and social tension. The residents of Liberia had to fight for their identity and independence. Its history is full of ups and downs. After the establishment of Liberia, many descendants of American slaves started settling there. They also brought American culture and political system with them. The government of Liberia was modeled on the lines of the American government, consisting of the President, Senate and House of Representatives.

What is Liberia like today?

Today’s Liberia is a far cry from the American dream of the past, and like many African countries, it is struggling to recover from civil war and economic chaos. Officially the Republic of Liberia, it is a country on the west coast of Africa, bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, and the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1980, the army here staged a coup and removed President William R. Talbot from office. With this began a period of instability, which later turned into a civil war, in which thousands of people lost their lives and the country’s economy reached the brink of ruin. Now the President there is Joseph Boakai. Today this country is spread over an area of ​​111,369 square kilometers. The population here is about 39 lakhs. This country ranks 175th in the Human Development Index.

Does Liberia have a connection to America now?

Initially, when America created this country, freed Africans were sent there. But how much would people who had been enslaved for generations like a new country? After a few batches, people were not ready to go. The country was created but the population of those who were leaving America after being enslaved remained small. Today, only five percent of those American slave descendants are left in that country.

15 years after its settlement, i.e. in 1847, Liberia declared itself independent from America and tried to create its own identity. However, even today there are diplomatic relations between Liberia and America. America provides financial aid to Liberia. Many Liberians also live in America. American universities run educational programs in Liberia and Liberian students go to America to study. However, America’s interference in the rest of Liberia’s affairs is now negligible.

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