What’s so special about a buffalo worth Rs 23 crore…what does science say?

Sirsa’s Palwinder Singh’s ‘precious’ buffalo is a hit. The bid has risen to Rs 23 crore. But Parwinder Singh is not ready to sell him yet. There’s more than just a buffalo here. In any species of organisms, when one organism or any of its subspecies is better, then it needs more. The same is true for the Murrah buffalo.

Generally, the price of Murrah buffalo ranges from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh. But the price given by Anmol is very high. This means there must be something special about this buffalo. Let’s find out what science has to say about this?

Why is the Murrah buffalo or water buffalo in high demand?

Better dairy products… Murrah buffalo produces 20 to 25 liters of milk per day. It contains six and a half to seven percent fat. This means more cream. More cream means more ghee. In addition to this, the lactation period, i.e. the total number of days of milk production, of the Mula buffalo is also longer than that of other buffaloes. Their lactation period lasts from 300 to 320 days. The quality of the milk is also very good. It contains more protein, calcium and phosphorus.

High level breeding… The genetic makeup of the Merah buffalo is very strong. As a result, their children are also born healthy and strong. They also have a high fertility rate due to their good genetic makeup. Their calving interval is 400 to 450 days. They have greater immunity to disease than common buffalo.

Murrah Buffalo, Why On Demand

This is a scientific reason, now we know other reasons

Economic benefits… When more milk is available, more of other products are produced as well. This brings more economic benefits. You can make a lot of money just selling milk. They require less maintenance. They are low maintenance compared to other species of buffalo. As for what kind of facilities the owner arranges to care for them is another matter. Their lifespan is 15 to 20 years. This is more than other buffaloes.

Government help, market demand and cultural importance

The Indian government has provided assistance for the breeding of Mullah buffaloes. Due to the demand for dairy products, milk from Mera buffaloes is in high demand. There is a huge demand for these buffaloes in India, Pakistan, China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. In the states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, keeping these buffaloes is considered a matter of cultural and social prestige. It is said that people who have Mulla have strong economic conditions.

Where was this buffalo found?

India, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, China, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Venezuela. Generally speaking, a male Murla buffalo weighs 750 kg and a female weighs 650 kg. Height range is 4.7 to 4.9 feet. The color is only black.

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