What is the Mossad connection to the arrest of Telegram CEO? Who is Durov’s ‘girlfriend’ Julie Vavilov?

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Recently, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris, the capital of France. He was arrested for not taking adequate action on the misuse of Telegram. He is accused of not following the necessary moderation process on Telegram. However, Pavel has now been released and the case is in court.

Who is Julie Vavilov, anyway?

Amidst all this, one name that is in the news is Julie Vavilova, who was travelling with Durov at the time of his arrest. The question is who is Julie, a 24-year-old video game broadcaster and self-proclaimed crypto coach, and why is she being talked about everywhere?

According to a report by Times of India, Julie Vavilova is a crypto coach and streamer based in Dubai. She has 22.3K followers on her Instagram account. Also, her bio claims that she knows four languages ​​- English, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. While she has a special interest in gaming and crypto.

French authorities reportedly arrested Vavilova along with Durov. It is claimed that she had revealed Pavel’s location through social media and that she may also be a Mossad agent. However, no such information about Vavilova has been confirmed by the authorities.

Julie’s social media posts and speculation

According to The Economic Times report, Vavilova’s social media updates have fueled speculation about her possible involvement in Durov’s arrest. She was constantly sharing posts that gave a full track of her trip with Durov to Azerbaijan. It also included photos and videos of Durov.

These photos and videos seemed to match every single activity of Durov. From these posts brought to light by French privacy data researcher Baptiste Robert, it seems that Julie had given Durov’s location to the authorities. Because with the help of her post, any of his followers could easily know where Durov is at the moment.

Pavel Durov was now living in Dubai with Julie

Although no information has been revealed about the relationship between Vavilova and Durov, people are showing a lot of interest in it. Durov left Russia in 2014 after refusing to provide encrypted data as demanded by the Kremlin and he now lives in Dubai with Julie. Considering Durov’s location and timing, Vavilova’s post shows him traveling in the Middle East.

Arrest and legal charges

Durov was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris after taking off on his private jet. The arrest is linked to an ongoing investigation by the French Interior Ministry into allegations of Telegram’s involvement in crimes such as global drug trafficking, pedophilia and fraud due to its lack of content moderation. However, the exact charges are not yet clear.

Let us tell you that Telegram is very popular all over the world. All activities from leaked data, pirated movies to selling malware take place on it. It can also be called Dark Web Lite. Almost all the work that is done on the dark web takes place on it. From pornographic content to stolen data, everything is sold on it. This platform is also very popular in India.

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