What is Green Hydrogen…PM Modi wants India to become its hub?

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What is the Green Hydrogen that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has talked about? What is National Hydrogen Mission? How will Green Hub and Green Zone be created? First let us understand what green hydrogen is. Then know the answers to other questions related to this…

What is green hydrogen?

The whole world knows that H2O means water. In simple language, it contains two particles of hydrogen (H2). One part of oxygen (O). Now if we separate them from the electrolyzer, the hydrogen that will be left is green hydrogen. Electrolyzer is a metal which works to break molecules by generating electric current.

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What is Green Hydrogen, PM Narendra Modi

How and where to get it?

Green hydrogen will be obtained from water. That too with the help of solar, wind and water energy. Like electricity is generated by running a water mill. Green hydrogen can be produced by breaking water molecules with the help of electrolyzer using the same electricity. That means generating new energy from renewable energy.

What is the benefit to India?

Our country spends Rs 12 trillion every year to obtain energy. That means Rs 12 lakh crore. Most of which goes in the name of fossil fuels. That means petrol, diesel and coal. This increases carbon emissions. The climate is hot. The weather changes. Then many disasters occur. Green hydrogen will reduce fossil fuel consumption. Gradually the weather will improve. The heat will keep decreasing.

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What is Green Hydrogen, PM Narendra Modi

National Hydrogen Mission

India has created the National Hydrogen Mission so that the target of green hydrogen can be achieved quickly. How is the production to be done? Where to be. How much to export? Also, with its help, we have to prepare for solar and wind energy by using the land properly. Because with their help it will help in making green hydrogen.

The mission got approval last year

Last year, on January 4, 2022, the National Green Hydrogen Mission was approved by the Cabinet. After this, initially an outlay of Rs 19,744 crore was prepared for this mission. This outlay is for 2029-30. In this, an outlay of Rs 17,490 crore was fixed for the Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) programme.

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There was a pilot project of Rs 1466 crore in this. Rs 400 crore for research and development. Apart from this, Rs 388 crore was for the components of the mission. Apart from this, Rs 455 crore were earmarked for low carbon steel projects till 2029-30, Rs 496 crore for mobility pilot projects till 2025-26 and Rs 115 crore for shipping pilot projects till 2025-26.

What is Green Hydrogen, PM Narendra Modi

What is the objective of the mission?

The objective of the Green Hydrogen Mission is to produce at least 5 million metric tons of green hydrogen in the country by 2030. About Rs 8 lakh crore will be invested in this. Due to this, 6 lakh jobs will be created. Dependence on fossil fuels will reduce. There will be a benefit of about Rs 1 lakh crore from this.

The biggest benefit will be that emissions of 50 million metric tons of greenhouse gases will be reduced in a year. That means the level of pollution will be very low. India will be able to become the largest producer and supplier of green hydrogen to the entire world. Consumption of petrol, diesel and coal will reduce. Indigenous companies will benefit.

To make green hydrogen, an electrolyzer will be required. The companies making it will benefit. Employment opportunities will increase with the arrival of such companies in the country. According to the mission’s estimate, the country will initially need 60 to 100 GW of electrolyzer capacity.

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It is not just about green hydrogen… there are other hydrogens too. The aim is also to make gray and blue hydrogen…

Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant substance in the world. It is not available in any solid form. It always has to be extracted or separated from some gas. Wherever gas is formed with the help of hydrogen, it can be extracted from there. Due to different methods and methods of extracting hydrogen from substances, it has come into three types. Like- grey, blue and green.

What is Green Hydrogen, PM Narendra Modi
This comparative picture of three different hydrogens has been taken from the World Economic Forum.

Gray Hydrogen… It is extracted from gasification (black or brown) of coal or lignite. Or by converting natural gas or methane into steam methane reformation (SMR), hence it is called grey. The amount of carbon emissions in this is slightly more than other processes.

Blue Hydrogen… This hydrogen is extracted through natural gas or coal gasification or a combination of both these processes. But in this, Carbon Captor Storage (CCS) or Carbon Captor Use (CCU) technologies are used. So that carbon emissions are reduced.

That means there is no carbon emission in making green hydrogen. It becomes the cleanest energy giving gas. Which can be used in many ways in future. Like- can store it. Can be used wherever coal is being used. in traffic. In power generation. In aviation services. In maritime traffic. The best thing is that it is produced from renewable energy. So no need for fossil fuels.

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What is the benefit of green hydrogen in industries?

Hydrogen can replace coal in the iron and steel producing industry. The steel industry is one of the industries with the highest carbon emissions in the world. If this sector is linked with green hydrogen then the amount of pollution in the world will reduce. This will have a positive impact on the climate.

What is Green Hydrogen, PM Narendra Modi

Transport with green hydrogen…

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FECV) will run only on hydrogen fuel. This will not cause any pollution. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) are suitable for light passenger vehicles. So that short distances can be easily covered without pollution. FECV will be required for long distances. Such as buses, trucks and other commercial vehicles.

What is Green Hydrogen Hub?

Under the Green Hydrogen Mission, those places will be identified where green hydrogen will be produced on a large scale. It will be called Green Hydrogen Hub. There is a provision of Rs 400 crore in the mission to create such hubs by the year 2025-26. In this, the structure of such a hub will be erected. Initially there is a plan to build two green hubs.

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