What happens to the pager from the explosion that shocked Lebanon – is it possible to hack it?

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There were serial explosions in parts of Lebanon and Syria. These explosions were caused by pager explosions, which shocked everyone. So far, 8 people have been killed and more than 2,700 injured. The serial explosions targeted members of Hezbollah. It is said that these explosions were caused by Israel. Now everyone is discussing how pagers exploded.

In this case, the question arises: What is a pager? How does it work? Can a pager be hacked? How secure are pagers from a security and privacy point of view? Let us know the answers to all these questions.

What is a Pager?

A pager is a device used to send and receive messages. Its use was popular in the 1990s, especially among doctors, businessmen, and emergency service professionals. The working of a pager is to receive short messages via radio signals. This was useful at a time when cell phones were not that popular. Even today, pagers are still used in certain industries such as healthcare and emergency services because they are a reliable and direct way to communicate.

How do pagers work?

Pagers use radio frequencies to work. When someone wants to send a message, the pager network sends the message and the pager device receives it. No internet or calling facilities are required in this process. That is why pagers work even in remote areas and places where there is no mobile network. There are mainly three types of pagers:

1. One-way pager – can only receive messages.
2. Two-way pager – In this case, in addition to receiving messages, replies can also be sent.
3. Voice Pager – You can record voice messages here.

Pager Security and Privacy

Now the question is whether pagers can be hacked? Pagers have limited security features compared to mobile phones or other internet-based devices. Pager systems are not encrypted, so any interceptor can capture their data. However, pager users mainly send short text messages. But with its help, sensitive information, such as a patient’s medical records or confidential business plans, can still be exchanged.

According to experts, pagers can be easily hacked, especially if someone intercepts the radio signal. In 2016, there were reports of medical pagers exposing personal patient information. So if you’re exchanging sensitive information, pagers may not be the safest option.

How secure are pagers?

Pagers can be useful for sending less sensitive or urgent information, but their lack of encryption makes them vulnerable to attack. Compared to mobile phones and other secure web-based communication channels, pagers may be considered weaker because they can be easily intercepted.

However, one of the great features of pagers is that they work even without a mobile network, so they can be used even in difficult situations. Therefore, even today, its demand and utility still exists in certain areas.

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