‘We import so much from China because…’, said Foreign Minister Jaishankar in Geneva

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Foreign Minister S Jaishankar is currently on a tour of Europe. In Geneva, he interacted with the Indian community and targeted the Congress. He said that today we have to import from China because we did not pay attention to manufacturing in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

‘Election of any government for the third time is itself a statement’

Jaishankar said, ‘If people want to comment on my politics, I have no problem, but they should also be prepared for my comments on their politics. After six decades, a government was elected for the third consecutive time. This is a statement in itself.’

He said, ‘Many people ask why we are importing so much from China. One reason for this is that we ignored manufacturing during the 60s, 70s and 80s.’

‘My father was also in the hijacked plane in 1984’

Jaishankar said, ‘I did not see this. There was a hijacking in 1984. I was part of the team that dealt with it. I came to know that my father was also in the flight. Thankfully, there were no casualties. I was part of the team that was working at that time.’

What did Jaishankar say on BRICS?

Speaking in Geneva, a city in the European country of Switzerland on Thursday, he rejected the argument that BRICS, an organization of countries like Russia, China and India, is an unnecessary organization. In fact, he was asked that all the BRICS countries were already included in the G-20, then why was there a need for a new organization.

On this question, the foreign minister, referring to the G-7, an organization of western countries including America, said that when this block can be formed in the presence of G-20, then why not BRICS. He also said that you people, i.e. the G-7 countries, did not allow any other country to join your block, so countries like India formed their own new block.

BRICS was formed in 2009

S. Jaishankar said this in a conversation with Ambassador Jean-David Levitte at the think tank Geneva Center for Security Policy. BRICS was founded in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India and China, which was later joined by South Africa. In January this year, five new countries – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Ethiopia – joined the group. The BRICS countries account for 27% of global GDP.

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