External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar attended the launch of India World Magazine in Delhi. During this period he discussed many issues. Jaishankar said that foreign policy is a mixture of old and new policies. Many of the problems we have faced throughout history are still not over. We still have to protect our borders. We are still fighting terrorism, fighting terrorism on a very large scale.
The foreign minister said there were painful memories from the past. There is currently a demand. We have adopted a foreign policy whose direct role is to promote national development. He said that if you look at all the joint communiques issued by the policy mechanism of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you will find that in the past 10 years, people have attached great importance to economic diplomacy. When he was Prime Minister, he said. Or the foreign minister is out, so there’s a lot about technology, capital, best practices, cooperation and investment. We have learned from the experiences and lessons of other countries in Southeast Asia and East Asia. They’ve been doing this a lot longer than we have.
read this too
#watch |Delhi: EAM Dr S Jaishankar said: “…Today, India is a country of greater expectations, a country of greater responsibilities. The idea of India as a first responder will become more frequently in the expanding neighborhood will be. pic.twitter.com/7MYDAIDv5V
— ANI (@ANI) December 15, 2024
“India is a country with high expectations”
Jaishankar also emphasized the global role India is playing and said that India today is a country with more expectations and a country that shoulders more responsibilities. He said the idea of India as a first responder will be more frequent because the world is changing and there will be new ideas and India will be involved in the international response at all times. and initiatives. The entire build will be more open-architectured and more multifaceted, but with deeper engagement and more complex decision-making.
#watch |Delhi: EAM Dr S Jaishankar said, “…Frankly speaking, (foreign policy) is a mixture of old and new policies. The problems we have had historically, many of them have not gone away. We have not secured our borders. We are still Take the fight against terrorism very seriously pic.twitter.com/HZhyiY776N
— ANI (@ANI) December 15, 2024
“Think big, think far, but think smart”
Jaishankar says we have many relationships with the world. For the benefit of this country, deeper engagement with the world will accelerate our progress and development, so my wisdom for future foreign policy is to think big, think long term, but think smart.