VIDEO: Employee faints while crying after seeing termination letter, company shuts down and jobs are lost

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The famous Monal restaurant of Pakistan’s capital Islamabad has been closed after a court decision. This special restaurant was liked not only by the countrymen but also by foreigners. Around 700 people used to work in this restaurant who suddenly became unemployed after the court’s decision.

In such a situation, a video of an employee leaving the restaurant with his termination letter is going viral on social media. As soon as this person read the letter, he first started crying and then fainted. It seems as if he was in a state of turmoil thinking about how he will now raise his family.

People on social media were saddened to see the plight of the fired employees. Commenting on the viral video, one person wrote, ‘He fainted because he could not understand how he would fulfill his family responsibilities.’ Another wrote, ‘I pray that these people get better jobs soon.’

Monal’s owner Luqman Ali Afzal accepted the challenges of unemployment and wrote a farewell letter to the employees. In this he wrote – I wish I could get you all a job overnight. But given the recent financial crisis, I cannot assign new projects to you. Please consider this as God’s decision and start looking for a new job. According to local reports, on June 11, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered the closure of this famous restaurant Monal of Islamabad along with all the restaurants in Margalla Hills National Park of Islamabad.

Following the decision, Monal announced that it will completely shut down its operations on September 11, 2024. Staran posted on its Facebook page – Since 2006, it has been a great pleasure for the Monal Family to serve Pakistan and its beautiful people and showcase their positive image. This journey was full of success stories and emotions for the team associated with us, but now it is time to say goodbye.

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