US imposes ban on PAK missile program…accused of stealing technology from China

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The United States has banned Pakistan’s missile program. Under this ban, there are also Pakistan’s ballistic missiles “Shaheen-3” and “Ababil” missile development programs. Under this ban, Chinese or Pakistani organizations or institutions come to help develop such missiles. They also spread missile technology around the world.

Shaheen-3 and Ababil missiles are the most dangerous weapons of Pakistan Army. Shaheen-3 missile has a range of 2740 km. While Swallow can attack multiple targets simultaneously at a range of 2200 km. It can be equipped with Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles (MIRV).

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US bans Pakistani missile program

These missiles are not vulnerable to enemy missile defense systems. This enhances Pakistan’s strategic power. Especially against India. Ababel missile was launched in 2017. It can attack multiple targets simultaneously. Its testing was completed in 2023. After that, it was also featured in the Pakistan Day parade in 2024.

Shaheen-3 can strike as far as Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Shaheen-3 missile is capable of striking India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Pakistan claims that it can strike any corner of India with this missile. It is believed that Pakistan can use this missile as a counterattack weapon against India.

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US bans Pakistani missile program

What are the US accusations and what kind of ban has been imposed?

The United States has filed charges against Pakistan and Chinese companies under the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA). China’s Beijing Research Institute of Automation of the Machinery Industry (RIAMB) is accused of being responsible for the development, technical testing and technology distribution of Shaheen-3 and Ababil.

Pakistan’s National Development Complex (NDC) is reportedly working closely with RIAMB. It is procuring rocket engine testing equipment from China. This will allow it to manufacture more and more missiles. In addition to this, the United States has also imposed sanctions on China’s Hubei Huachang Intelligent Equipment and Global Enterprises. This ban was imposed to ensure that China and Pakistan do not violate international laws regarding ballistic missiles.

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