UP government active regarding Nepal bus accident, SDM Maharajganj sent to the spot, ADM will keep an eye on relief work

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A passenger bus with UP registration number fell into the Marsyangdi river in Abukhaireni area of ​​Tanahun district of Nepal. 14 passengers died in this while 16 people were injured. This bus is registered in Gorakhpur district. After receiving information about the incident, the Uttar Pradesh government has become active. The government has sent one of its SDMs to the spot in Nepal.

According to the news agency, the UP government has also appointed an ADM to coordinate the relief work. Also, the SDM has been sent to take stock of the situation. The local administration of Nepal reached the spot and took charge.

Relief Commissioner of Uttar Pradesh GS Naveen Kumar said in a statement- According to media reports and confirmation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nepal Division, today at around 11:30 am, bus number UP 53 FD 7623, carrying around 40 passengers from Maharashtra, met with an accident in Abukhaireni area of ​​Tanahun district. The bus also included the driver and a conductor.

This bus has fallen about 150 meters down into the Marsyangdi river in Abukhaireni area. As soon as the information was received, a search and rescue operation was launched by Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and Nepal Army. Now the UP government has sent SDM Maharajganj to the spot. The Ministry of External Affairs is coordinating the search and rescue operation with the local authorities.

The UP Relief Commissioner also said that the ADM of Maharajganj, adjacent to Nepal, will coordinate the rescue efforts. The bus had gone from Gorakhpur to Pokhara and was going from there to Kathmandu. Then it went off the highway at Aina Pahad and fell into the river. The flow of water in the river was very fast.

It is being told that there were 40 people in the bus that fell into the river. 14 have died. All the passengers were from Maharashtra. Only the driver and conductor were residents of Gorakhpur. Vishnu Kesarwani, owner of Kesarwani Transport, has given this information. This bus belonged to his company.

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