Titanic passengers drowned in such cold water! How many seconds can you endure? Museum is giving experience

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The sinking of the world’s most famous ship Titanic in 1912 proved to be the biggest accident of its time. 1,517 people lost their lives in it and that death was also painful because people froze to death in the icy water. At the time when Titanic sank, the sea temperature was even below the freezing temperature. Before the accident, the ship’s captain Stanley Lord measured the sea temperature to be -2 degrees. Such water can cause someone’s death in 15 minutes.

Now the Titanic Museum in America, which has more than 400 original things related to Titanic, has decided to give the visitors a feel of that temperature. The museum has kept water of the same temperature here and people can feel its danger by putting their hands in it for a few seconds. This is to make people feel the pain with which the passengers of Titanic died. This is a new attraction of the museum.

While entering the museum, you are also given a boarding pass with the name of the actual passenger of the ship. You can know whether that person is alive or died in the accident only by going to the Titanic Memorial Room. This new attraction of the museum, built in an area of ​​more than 22,000 square feet, has recently come in the news when some people tried to put their hands in its cold water.

In the viral video, people come in front of the camera one by one. The first woman puts her hand in the water and says – this is dangerous. In just twenty seconds, she takes her hand out. After this, a man puts his hand inside and says that I am getting a burning sensation. He removed his hand after eight seconds and said – Ufff … I will die. The third woman took his place and put her hand inside and said – Oh God.

There is also an offer in the museum that if anyone keeps his hand in water for 2 minutes, he will get a reward of 100 dollars. But no one seemed capable of doing this. Let us tell you that it took more than 70 years to find the remains of this ship that sank in the depths of the sea. It was found in 1985 with the help of a robot submarine.

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