‘Those who indulge in violence will regret…’, British PM warns rioters

More than 100 people have been arrested during right-wing anti-immigrant violence in Britain. Violent clashes and unrest involving right-wing groups have increased here in the last few days. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has instructed officials to take tough action against ‘extremists’. Violence is taking place across the country since the formation of the Labor Party government. The British PM also warned the writers and said that those indulging in violence will repent.

Violent incidents were seen in Britain’s Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Leeds, Blackpool, Stoke-on-Trent, Belfast, Nottingham and Manchester on Saturday, where violent mobs were seen pelting stones. They are throwing stones at hotels built for refugees, attacking shops, and setting arson. Due to this, clashes were also seen between police and violent mobs in many areas.

Also read: Many cities of Britain are in the grip of riots, violent demonstrations against immigrants after the murder of 3 girls.

Police have free hand to control violence

Amidst the increasing violence across the country, PM Starmer had also called a high level meeting on Saturday. During this time, he had given full support to his police and instructed them to do whatever was necessary to control the violence.

The British Prime Minister called for strict action against those “who are attacking police, disrupting local businesses and trying to spread hatred by intimidating communities”.

Freedom of expression… is a different thing- PM

The British PM says, “The right to freedom of expression and the violent disorder we have seen are two very different things.” He said there is no excuse for any kind of violence and reiterated that the government supports the police in taking all necessary action to keep our roads safe.”

Also read: Life imprisonment to Pakistani fundamentalist in Britain, used to run a terrorist organization, used to work for ISIS

Why is there violence in Britain?

Violence is breaking out in Britain after anti-immigration protesters and counter-demonstrators clashed following the murder of three girls in north-west England. There is unrest across the country, stone pelting and arson have become common. The British police have also warned that there is a possibility of more violence in the future.

Speaking to the media, PM Starmer said there would be arrests, charges and convictions, “no matter what the motive.” The Prime Minister warned those taking part in the protests, saying, “Those of you who took part in this will regret it.”