‘Those who deal with Iran…’, America warned Pakistan

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America has once again warned Pakistan against cooperating with Iran. The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is an important project to meet Pakistan’s energy needs which has been hanging in the balance for a long time due to American objections. America’s new warning is now going to increase Pakistan’s worries.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller commented on the gas pipeline in his recent press conference.

Addressing the press, he said, ‘We will continue our sanctions against Iran. At the same time, those doing business deals with Iran should be aware of the possible impact of those agreements.’

The agreement was made in 2010, the pipeline has not been laid yet

The US has continued to put pressure on Iran through sanctions for a long time, which has severely affected the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

Iran-Pakistan signed the deal for the project in 2010 under which it was decided that Iran would supply 750 million to one billion feet of natural gas to Pakistan every day. The deadline for laying the pipeline was set for 2014 and this gas supply deal was for 25 years.

The pipeline was to be 1,900 km long, of which 1,150 km was to be laid in Iran and 781 km in Pakistan. The pipeline was to be laid from Iran’s South Pars gas field to Gwadar in Pakistan.

Even after more than a decade, Pakistan has not been able to start laying the pipeline. Whereas, Iran has almost completed the work on its part of the pipeline.

Pakistan says that it has not been able to complete this project within the stipulated time due to US sanctions on Iran. At the same time, earlier this year, Pakistan had said that it would keep the length of the pipeline only 80 kilometers.

According to local media in Pakistan, the project will be completed in the next 24 months at a cost of 44 billion Pakistani rupees.

America’s warning to Pakistan as well as assurance

The US State Department spokesperson has also assured Pakistan of energy security while warning against cooperation with Iran. He said, ‘We have been talking to the government of Pakistan on the issue of energy security.’

While Pakistan is trying to meet a new deadline to complete the gas pipeline project with Iran, this new warning from America is sure to increase its troubles.

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