These rich countries are lagging behind in providing shelter, Japan adopted 200 refugees in a year, Hungary built a barbed wire fence, what is the reason?

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In the debate before the presidential election, Donald Trump alleged that intruders are picking up pets from the streets and eating them. After this, once again the discussion on refugees and intruders started. America has said many times that only a few countries have taken the entire responsibility of refugees, while many rich countries stay away from it. To some extent this is also true. Many developed countries have made their policies so strict that it is very difficult to get asylum.

How many refugees are there in the world?

According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, there are more than 100 million refugees in the world. About 46 million of these people have taken refuge in some country. But this distribution of population is not equal, but scattered. In some countries, there are so many refugees that the local people revolt, while in some countries, not even 100 people are given refuge in a year.

Japan kept arguing

According to the World Population Review, Japan adopted only 202 refugees in the year 2022. Last year, this number increased to 303, which is the highest in the last several years. In the very rich and technologically advanced Japan, the ageing population has increased so much that it is seeking young workers and skilled workers from other countries, but it has always avoided giving shelter to refugees.

In the name of saving culture, it has made such policies that refugees get tired and lose hope. For example, if someone applies for asylum three times, he will automatically get rejected.

why china japan and hungary have least number of refugees why they reject asylum seekers photo- Getty Images

Why is it difficult to get asylum in Japan

UNHRC, the UN refugee agency, says that Japan only talks about giving asylum to those who can prove that they have faced hardships. It is not easy to prove this, and the process is also very long and complicated. Many documents have to be submitted, which are usually difficult to find among people who have escaped from war. Under the policy, Japan accepts very few applications to preserve its culture. Last year, a total of 4,508 people applied for asylum in Japan. Out of this, 168 refugee applications were accepted.

The situation in China is getting worse

In the year 2022, China adopted about 320 refugees, which is very less compared to the population and resources. Actually, the political thinking of this country is quite different. It claims to stay away from the domestic affairs of other countries. And citing this reason, it keeps a distance from the refugees as well. There is not even a solid refugee resettlement policy there. In return, it offers investment in that country.

The atmosphere was different before

During the formation of modern China, Mao Zedong kept the doors of his country open. At that time, people from many countries including the Middle East started coming to China. Most of the people were from the Muslim community. Meanwhile, tension increased in the country. The rising population graph and new changes were the reason for this, but during this time the communist government understood the pulse of the people. It understood that the people did not want to share their land and jobs with foreigners. From the eighties, a ban on refugees started, which has now become a kind of unwritten law.

Alleged violence against Muslims is also the reason

Apart from this, the kind of censorship that exists in China, along with the reports that come in the international media on the Uighur Muslims living there, the Middle Eastern people themselves do not want to go there.

why china japan and hungary have least number of refugees why they reject asylum seekers photo Unsplash

These countries also kept avoiding refugees

When the war between Russia and Ukraine started in the year 2022, millions of Ukrainians started going to neighboring countries. At the same time, Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic adopted a tough attitude and increased the security on the border. Even when the UNHRC talked about equal distribution of refugees, these countries clearly refused to be a part of the planning.

Vatican City has also stayed away from refugees. However, there are other reasons behind this. Firstly, this country is very small, which does not have the space and administrative power to settle new people. The second reason is religious. This is a structure built on religious and political basis. Officials related to Christianity and people from the church are also allowed to live here. There is no data available on how many people got asylum in Vatican in the last ten years because it is not made public.

Hungary remains mired in controversy

Hungary has been known for its bad hospitality. In 2015, amidst growing instability in the Middle East, this country suddenly started taking strict measures against refugees. For example, it built barbed wire fences and walls on the borders with Serbia and Croatia, due to which many intruders got injured. The government there made many rules, which also tied the hands of people and organizations helping refugees.

The Hungarian government says that due to refugees not only the security of its country can be in danger but its culture can also be destroyed.

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