These 5 foods will control diabetes and BP, weight will also reduce

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Diabetes, weight and heart health, all three are related to each other. According to many researches, obesity can also be one of the reasons behind diabetes. Obesity can also make you a patient of high BP and high cholesterol. This may increase your risk of heart diseases. However, right diet can protect you from these diseases. We are telling you about 5 foods, the consumption of which is considered very beneficial against these diseases.


Spinach must be a part of your diet. Along with vitamins E, C and K, iron, calcium and anti-oxidants are found in it, which provide adequate immunity to the body. The fiber and water present in this green leafy vegetable helps you in weight loss. Also, the compound called nitrate found in it helps in controlling blood pressure. By keeping high BP under control, the risk of heart diseases reduces. Also, due to low glycemic index, consumption of spinach is also considered beneficial for diabetes patients.


A good amount of magnesium is found in almonds, due to which blood pressure remains under control. In such a situation, the risk of heart related diseases reduces. Due to its good fiber content, it is also considered beneficial for weight loss and diabetes patients.

green mung bean

You should also include green moong in your diet. This will work to reduce bad cholesterol present in the body. With this you will be protected from heart diseases. Due to low glycemic index, its consumption also controls the sugar level. Also, the high fiber present in it helps you in weight loss.


Manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc are found in oats. It contains a soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which reduces bad cholesterol and sugar levels. By consuming it you will get a lot of energy and your weight will also remain under control.


Ragi is a good source of magnesium, potassium, fiber and phytonutrients. Ragi reduces triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and high BP. Ragi is also rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for people suffering from diabetes and heart disease. The fiber present in it is helpful for weight loss.

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