These 5 foods make the face age before time, if you want to look young then stop eating them immediately

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We often don’t consider how diet can affect one’s health. The reality is that if a food is not good for your body, it can hardly be good for your looks. This is the reason why nowadays, due to poor lifestyle and lack of nutrition, people have started looking older than their age. Signs of aging like wrinkles, dark circles, fine lines and sagging of skin start appearing on their faces at an early age.

You cannot stop the process of aging but you can definitely avoid premature aging by correcting some mistakes in your daily routine. Here we are telling you about some such foods which start making your skin age before time. In such a situation, you should immediately stay away from these foods.


Most breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and refined carbs which is a very nutrient-poor way to start your day and is also bad for your skin. If you do feel like eating it, choose a brand that is granola-like and packed with fibre-rich multi-grains, seeds and nuts.


Pasta is a popular modern food item consumed in India and all over the world. Many people consume it for breakfast as well but in the name of nutrition, it contains refined flour which is called the king of refined carbs and is responsible for making your favorite noodles unhealthy.

Artificial Sweeteners

Splenda, aspartame, acesulfame potassium and saccharin disturb your hormones just like sugar, which means they are harmful for your body as well as your skin.

white sugar

Sugar not only invites many dangerous diseases but can also make you age prematurely. It speeds up the aging process in the body and hence you should limit the intake of sugar from your diet at all costs.

fried foods

Fast food sold in the market is usually cooked in oil (vegetable oil) that contains trans fats which are linked to inflammation (and cardiovascular risk). Fast food and fried foods are also usually high in refined carbohydrates, fats and calories, all of which contribute to aging, acne and many skin problems.

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