There will be videography at the exam centre, dummy candidates will be monitored… This is how the RPSC exam will be conducted

There will be videography at the exam centre, dummy candidates will be monitored… This is how the RPSC exam will be conducted

Assistant Acharya (Sanskrit Education Department) Competitive Examination-2024 will be organized by Rajasthan Public Service Commission from 8th to 19th September 2024. While further strengthening the security arrangements for this examination, the Commission has decided to get the videography of each candidate done while sitting at the place designated for the examination.

The Commission Secretary said that now the candidates will have to take their seats in the examination hall within 10 minutes after the time fixed for entry into the examination centre. After these 10 minutes, video recording will be done of every candidate sitting at the allotted place in each room in the entire examination centre and the vacant seats of the absent candidates in the order of their roll number. This recording will be used later to ensure the identity of the original candidate. The Commission will also use Artificial Intelligence tool for this.

Now this will be the arrangement

Giving detailed information in this regard, Chief Examination Controller of the Commission, Ashutosh Gupta said that under the said examination, the examination of General Knowledge Question Paper-III will be conducted on 8 September 2024 from 11 am to 1 pm at Ajmer and Jaipur District Headquarters. As per the rules, the candidates will have to appear at the examination center 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination. After the completion of the admission process at 10 am, the candidate will have to sit at the place designated as per the roll number till 10.10 am.

The question papers of optional subjects – first and second exams will be conducted from 9 am to 12 noon and 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. In these, the exam of Hindi subject will be conducted at both Ajmer and Jaipur district headquarters. Exams of the remaining subjects will be conducted at Ajmer district headquarters only.

In these exams also, candidates will have to be present at the exam centre 60 minutes before the scheduled time of the exam. Accordingly, for the first paper, it is mandatory to be present by 8 am and sit at the designated place at 8:10 am. For the second paper, one will have to be present at the exam centre by 1:30 pm and take the designated place by 1:40 pm.

It may be noted that if a candidate does not take his seat by the prescribed time and is not recorded in the videography, then the Commission will presume that such a candidate is absent in the police investigation related to the concerned examination.

see the timetable

Hindi and General Philosophy – 9 September 2024
Literature, Astrology and Rigveda – 10 September 2024
Political Science – 11 September 2024
History and Theology – 12 September 2024
English and Astrology Predictions – 14 September 2024
General Sanskrit – 15 September 2024
Vyakaran – 17 September 2024
Linguistics – 18 September 2024
Yoga Science and Yajurveda – 19 September 2024

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