There is natural solution in Ayurveda

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Story Highlights

  • Vaidyanath is a reputed Ayurvedic company of India which was established in 1917.
  • Vaidyanath aims to promote a healthy and balanced life for which they use high quality herbs and natural ingredients.

Due to the scorching heat, everyone eagerly waits for the rain. As soon as the rainy season arrives, everyone takes a sigh of relief, but do you know that the rainy season brings with it many diseases, such as joint pain, hair loss, etc. Problems, skin infections like ringworm, scabies, itching, digestive problems etc. We hope that the instructions, questions and answers given by the Ayurvedic doctor of Baidyanath will prove helpful to you.

Question– I am 63 years old, I have stiffness in my hands and legs and pain in my knees and waist while walking. But there is no blood pressure, please suggest any Ayurvedic treatment.

~ Neeraj Rath

Answer: You should take Baidyanath Swarna Mahayoga tablet 1-1 in the morning and evening and Baidyanath Vaarina tablet and Penvin tablet 1-1 in the morning, afternoon and evening with plain water. Apply Vaidyanath Ortho Oil on knees and waist. Stop consuming curd and sour things.

Question: I am 36 years old, I have acidity after eating food, and my stomach also does not remain clean. Please suggest any Ayurvedic treatment.

~Manohar, Delhi

Answer: You should take Baidyanath Alpapitantaka Yoga tablet 1-1 in the morning and evening and Baidyanath Liverex tablet 1-1 in the morning and evening after meals. Also stop eating fried food, khoya sweets and walk two-three kilometers daily. Take Vaidyanath Constipation with warm water every half spoon before sleeping at night.

Question: Vaidya ji, I have stomach pain along with greasy stools. It also takes a lot of time and one has to go several times. I do not have any other disease. Please suggest any Ayurvedic treatment.

~ Yogesh, Sirsa

Answer: You should use boiled water and light digestible food, also take Baidyanath Chitrakadi Bati, Baidyanath Amoebic Tablet 1-1 in the morning and evening after meals. Take 1 teaspoon Baidyanath Isbell Granules and 1 Baidyanath Braintab before sleeping at night. Consume it for a month.

Question: Vaidya ji, Hello, I have been itching in my body since 5-6 months and have red spots on my body. Please suggest any Ayurvedic treatment.

~ Guru Bhajan, Faridkot

Answer: You take Rakta Shodhak Vati 2-2 tablets in the morning and evening, Vaidyanath Rakt Shodhak Syrup 2-2 spoons in the morning, afternoon and evening and Vaidyanath Sarvadoshantak Gutika 2-2 tablets in the morning and evening and 2-2 Neemwin capsules with lukewarm water and Vaidyanath Dermatogar Apply ointment.

Vaidyanath is a reputed Ayurvedic company of India which was established in 1917. This company manufactures various Ayurvedic medicines and products, which are based on traditional Indian medical practices. Vaidyanath aims to promote a healthy and balanced life for which they use high quality herbs and natural ingredients. The company’s fame is spread not only in India but also abroad and their products play an important role in the health and well-being of people.

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