The stretcher was ready, and when it was time to send it to the autopsy, the “dead” young man suddenly stood up and watched the video

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A case has come to light in Bihar that will surely shock you. If you were told that the man who was preparing for the autopsy suddenly came to life and stood up from the ground, you would find it difficult to believe it. Although this is completely true.

The man fell unconscious in the toilet and was pronounced dead

Let us tell you the complete story of this strange case. In fact, the toilet door on the first floor of Bihar Sharif Government Hospital was kept closed for several hours, after which the health workers present became suspicious. Because the toilet was locked from the inside, hospital staff learned someone was inside. Medical staff on scene anticipated an accident and immediately reported it to the police.

Autopsy preparations begin

The police arrived at the scene, opened the toilet door and entered, finding a man lying unconscious on the toilet floor. Police and other medical staff took his pulse and pronounced him dead. Gradually, the news that the body was found in the toilet spread like wildfire in the hospital, and many people gathered to watch.


A stretcher was readied for the body, and the young man stood up.

Police also believe the young man lying on the floor is dead and are waiting for the FSL team to collect technical evidence. Meanwhile, when civil surgeon Jitendra Kumar Singh got information about the dead body, he also rushed there. Seeing the young man lying in the bathroom without feeling a pulse, the civil surgeon thought he was dead and ordered sanitation The workers took him away. To the coroner’s office.

Later, as a stretcher was being loaded for an autopsy, the unconscious young man realized that everyone thought he was dead. After saying that, he immediately stood up, leaving the police, civilian doctors and everyone present stunned.

The young man fell into a coma due to drunkenness

The young man thought to be dead was actually Rakesh Kumar, a resident of Jilayin village, who had gone to Sadar Hospital to collect medicines. However, due to being drunk during this time, he fell unconscious when he went to the bathroom.


When people around him learned about the young man’s resurrection, a crowd gathered at Sadar Hospital to see him. However, because the young man was drunk, the police took him away. CS said the young man was in a drunken state and therefore fell unconscious in the toilet.

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