The stone which the woman was using as a gate stopper, was sold by her relatives after her death and they got Rs. 9 crore

The stone which the woman was using as a gate stopper, was sold by her relatives after her death and they got Rs. 9 crore

It is said that only a jeweler can know the real value of a diamond. This story from Romania proves this saying to be true. Here an elderly woman could not judge the value of a precious piece of amber for decades. For years she used it as a door gate stopper, without knowing its real value.

According to the Spanish newspaper ‘El Pais’, this precious gem is actually worth 1.1 million dollars, i.e. approximately 9 crore 13 lakh Indian rupees.

The elderly woman had no idea of ​​the price

The elderly woman had picked up this piece of amber from a riverbank near Kolti village years ago. She had no idea of ​​its real value. She had kept it on the threshold of her house. Even when thieves came to steal in her house, they could not recognize the value of this gem. They stole some gold jewelry and went away.

This precious gem is millions of years old

The real value of this amber was revealed after the woman’s death in 1991, when a relative noticed the piece blocking the door. Seeing it, the relative suspected that it could be valuable.

The relative’s suspicions were proven right when he sold it to the Romanian government. The government declared it a national treasure and sent it to the History Museum in Krakow, Poland to confirm its authenticity.

Polish experts confirmed that this piece of amber is 38.5 to 70 million years old. According to Daniel Costache, director of the Provincial Museum of Bujau, this piece of amber is extremely valuable at both scientific and museum levels. He believes that this is one of the largest pieces of amber in the world.

Even the thieves could not recognize the price

The woman’s relatives said that when the thieves broke into her house, they could not recognize the real treasure and took away some gold jewelry. In their search for valuables, they ignored the real treasure that was right in front of their eyes, relatives told ‘El Pais’.

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