The end of drought. Our scientists will be able to make and stop rain anywhere in the country, know the 5-year plan

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Indian meteorologists expect that in the next five years they will become so expert that they will be able to control rain, lightning and hailstorms. That is, they will be able to make it rain wherever and whenever required. If it is raining very heavily somewhere, they will stop it or reduce it. They will do the same with lightning and hailstorms as well.

In this regard, M. Ravichandran, Secretary of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, told an English newspaper that we are going to do initial experiments to suppress and increase rainfall. For the first 18 months, cloud chambers will be made in the lab and experiments will be conducted inside them. But it is certain that in five years we can definitely bring about changes in the weather artificially. That is, we can do artificial weather modification.

Rainfall, Mission Mausam, Rain Control Plan

Ravichandran said that this is a part of the central government’s plan Mission Mausam. The cabinet has approved to take it forward. When Ravichandran was asked if the rain in Delhi can be reduced on 15 August so that people can enjoy the Independence Day celebrations, he said that this can be tried.

What else will scientists do under Mission Mausam?

Under Mission Mausam, not only will there be control over rain, lightning and hailstorms. But preparations are also underway to predict the future weather with utmost accuracy. There is an effort to bring the short and medium range forecast to 5-10 percent. For this, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is working very hard.

Rainfall, Mission Mausam, Rain Control Plan

The Meteorological Department says that it is making such preparations that India can be called climate smart. We will not miss a single natural process. We will tell in advance in which area a cloud burst is going to occur. For such information, scientists are creating Mausam GPT. This will be an application like ChatGPT. Where weather related information will be available very quickly. It will be in written as well as audio format.

Efforts are made to control rain in these countries

The work of increasing or suppressing rain is done in some countries including America, Canada, China, Russia and Australia. Cloud seeding projects are carried out for this. In some places, overseeding is done. This reduces the chances of hail falling, so that crops and fruit orchards are not damaged. At present, the experiment going on for this has been named Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX).

What is artificial rain?

Rainfall, Mission Mausam, Rain Control Plan

For artificial rain, scientists release silver iodide, dry ice and ordinary salt into the clouds at a fixed height in the sky. This is called cloud seeding. For this, it is necessary that there should be at least 40 percent clouds in the sky. In which some water is present. The problem is that in November the amount of clouds above the capital remains less. Therefore, there can be problems in cloud seeding.

Water in clouds is necessary for cloud seeding

Cloud seeding will be possible only when there are 40 percent clouds in the sky. Those clouds should contain water i.e. liquid. It is not necessary to fly an airplane among the clouds for this. This work can also be done by balloon or rocket. But for this, the right selection of clouds is necessary. In winter, there is not enough water in the clouds. In winter, there is not enough moisture to form clouds. If the weather is dry, the water droplets will turn into steam before reaching the ground.

Rainfall, Mission Mausam, Rain Control Plan

The cost of making it rain once is 10 to 15 lakh rupees

Artificial rain will cost around 10 to 15 lakh rupees. So far 53 countries in the world have done such experiments. Small trials of this artificial rain have been done in Kanpur with small aircraft. In some trials it rained and in some trials it was just drizzling. For example, a cure for air pollution is found through artificial rain.

This can provide relief for some time. 4-5 days or 10 days. There will be no more benefit than this. The second danger is that if suddenly strong winds blow, the chemical can go over some other district. If artificial rain happens in Meerut instead of Delhi, then all the efforts will be wasted. Therefore, calculation of the correct movement of clouds and wind is also necessary.

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