The deadline for Israel to leave Gaza has arrived. What if it does not accept the UN decision?

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The war between Israel and Hamas is coming to an end for a year. Many Israeli hostages are still held by Hamas. They are reportedly held in secret tunnels in the Gaza Strip. The Jewish people, who are doing everything they can to rescue them, constantly attack Gaza. At the same time, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) warned him to leave the country. 124 member states also approved this.

This Wednesday, the United Nations passed a resolution requiring Israel to leave the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) within 12 months. Here we know the answers to three questions.

1. What is OPT, and is it under Israeli occupation?

2. What exactly is a UN resolution?

2. What would have happened if Israel had not listened to him?

The Occupied Palestinian Territory is the area occupied by Israel during the Six Day War in the sixties. It includes part of the West Bank, although it is recognized by the international community as Palestinian territory. East Jerusalem is also a disputed area in the West Bank, which Israel considers to be its own. The Gaza Strip also belongs to Palestine. After the war, there were Israeli military camps here until 2005. Since then, the soldiers have withdrawn from the inner areas, but the outer areas are still under Israeli control. If you see it, Israeli soldiers have surrounded Gaza in some way.

Israel Hamas War UN Non-binding Resolution Leave Palestine Photo Getty Images

What is a UN resolution?

Just before the United Nations annual meeting was held in the United States, a proposal was put forward by the General Assembly of the United Nations, which talked about the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestine. A total of 124 countries supported the resolution, while 14 countries opposed it. The United States was one of the countries that opposed the resolution, and it is considered a friend of Israel. Among the member states, 43 countries were still absent, and India was one of them. He kept his distance from opposing or supporting the proposal.

What it says

According to the resolution, Israel must withdraw its troops and people who have been stationed in the occupied Palestinian territories since 1967 within the next 12 months. Israel should also provide funds and resources to compensate for the damage caused by the occupation. Earlier, the International Court of Justice also recognized that Israel has an illegal presence in the occupied territories. We tell you that this court is also a branch of the United Nations. Since the court issued a statement in July, the United Nations has continuously issued warnings to Israel.

This is just a suggestion and can be ignored.

A UN resolution is a formal decision on certain international issues. Currently the resolution is non-binding, i.e. it is just a recommendation and no one is obliged to accept it. We tell you that the UN General Assembly can only make non-binding proposals. He has no power to impose his authority on any country. At the same time, the Security Council resolutions are binding and must be followed.

Israel Hamas War UN Non-binding Resolution Leave Palestine Photo Getty Images

However, in the war between Hamas and Israel, the power of the United Nations seems to be of no use.

He has proposed some resolutions again and again, but no one has paid attention to them each time. Even the Security Council made a resolution on this issue last year, but it did not have any effect. The December resolution called for an immediate cessation of the forced displacement of Gaza civilians and for the provision of assistance to them. Al Jazeera reported that the United States raised many questions about the proposal and made many changes to the first draft. Israel did not pay much attention to subsequent resolutions.

So this resolution doesn’t make any sense?

It looks like this at the moment. The United States, Canada, Australia and Germany, and even Ukraine voted against it. He said he could not vote for a resolution that would restrict Israel’s right to self-defense. Let us tell you that Palestine is not limited to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it continues to make religious claims to Jerusalem. Israel also claims the right to the region. This is also a reason for conflict.

In any case, the UN has given Israel a full year to eliminate the so-called illegal occupation. If he really wants to do so, the deadline will be shorter and the Security Council will approve it.

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