That agent of the Mossad… had entered another country, settled in another country, was about to become president.

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The name that is most often heard after the pager attacks is Mossad. You must have heard of Mossad, and Mossad agents are experts in espionage. The story of the Mossad spy proves this to a great extent. This agent was very smart in espionage, he entered a country, settled there, and made such a name for himself that after a while his name began to appear in the races for the presidency. The special thing was that for many years no one suspected this agent. However, when the truth came out, the detective was also punished terribly.

Then read this agent’s story…

The name of the spy we are talking about is Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen was an agent who won Israel in the 1967 war between Israel and Syria. The battle lasted only 6 days, and Israel defeated Syria in 6 days and occupied the Golan Heights. This is a mountainous area under the control of the Syrian army. However, because of this spy, Israel won the war quickly.

Eli Cohen was born in Egypt and is a Jew. In 1957, he joined the Israel Defense Forces and worked in the military intelligence department. He wanted to join Mossad from here, but was rejected twice. However, after a long effort, he got the opportunity to work with Mossad. Then Cohen began to work on projects related to Syria. He wanted to enter Syria as a businessman, and before that he went to Argentina. He did business there and established his special identity as a Syrian businessman. Gradually, he established himself among important Syrian figures.

Names for the presidency have also emerged

His influence grew so much that he became friends with Aman Hafez and became the President of Syria. It is said that Cohen’s friendship with Hafez was so good that he asked Cohen to become the Minister of Defense. He also said that there was no better choice than Eli Cohen to become the President of Syria. He began to actively participate in matters related to the Syrian army. He also had a lot of money flowing to the government and worked in a luxurious house, hiding the identity of a big business tycoon.

Would this work in the Golan Heights war?

Syria would be prevented from supplying water to Israel in the Golan Heights war. But Cohen already knew this, he informed Israel of Syria’s plans in advance, he kept sending Israel complete information about Syria. He even knew where the soldiers stored their weapons and how they shot through his good connections. Israel was successful in this war.

Public hanging

However, at one point, Eli Cohen was found using a radio transmission line. After Eli Cohen was arrested in 1965, it was decided to sentence him to death. Thereafter, he was publicly hanged on May 18, 1965.

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