Teacher’s Day Special: Where the teacher himself is, the girls are studying in the same government school… Vandana becomes an example by breaking away from the norm

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There is a negative perception in people’s minds about teachers in government schools. People believe that the quality of education in government schools is not good and teachers do not come to schools regularly. Due to this perception, parents enroll their children in private schools with expensive fees, but a teacher from Prayagraj has broken this myth.

This teacher set an example

Today, Teachers’ Day is being celebrated in the country. Teachers are being honored at various places in private and government schools for their contribution to the field of education. Among these teachers, there is a teacher who is a little different from other teachers. Because in today’s modern life, everyone wants their children to study in English and expensive schools, but she is a government school teacher in Prayagraj who, despite having a good financial condition, has got her three daughters admitted to the same primary school where she is posted as a teacher and is teaching them there.

The elder daughters study in class 8 and 7

Mrs. Vandana Maurya, an assistant teacher working in the primary school Bhawanigarh of Prayagraj Bahria block of UP, has 3 daughters and Vandana teaches all three of them in her own school. Elder daughter Vyakhya Maurya is in class 8, younger daughter Vyangana Maurya is in class 7. Vandana is also going to get her third youngest daughter Upadhi admitted in class 1.

School Teacher Vandana Maurya

According to Vandana Maurya, if teachers teach their children at the basic level in their own school, they will be able to give them the right values ​​and this will also inspire others. Vandana Maurya teaches her classmates along with her own children in interesting ways through puzzles, games, blocks and various activities. She celebrates her children’s birthdays with all the children in the school itself and fulfills the needs of other children studying in this school with her own money.

All three daughters consider their mother as ideal

Ravi Prakash Maurya, husband of Vandana Maurya, who lives in Prayagraj Bahria in UP, is doing good work in the field of black farming. Vandana Maurya also helps her husband Ravi Prakash Maurya in his work. When Vandana’s elder daughter was asked if she did not want to study in an expensive and big school, Vyakhya said that she wants to study further and become a teacher like her mother. Vyakhya likes to read, play and draw pictures among children.

The elder daughter further said that my mother is my role model. When the younger daughter Vyanjana was asked if she did not wish to study in a good English medium school in the city, she replied that no, I like staying with my mother and my mother teaches me everything both at school and at home. But in future I will study in a bigger school and I want to become a scientist. At the same time, Vandana Maurya is going to get her youngest daughter Upadhi admitted in class one of this primary school.

Government school

This is the order of the High Court

On 8 August 2015, the Allahabad High Court had ordered that all government officials of the state must compulsorily educate their children in primary government schools. The High Court had asked the Chief Secretary of the state to ensure within six months that the children of government, semi-government servants, people’s representatives of local bodies, judiciary and people receiving salary, honorarium or money from the government treasury must compulsorily study in Basic Education Council schools.


It was ordered that punitive action should be taken against those who do not do so. If someone sends his children to study in a convent school, then the amount equal to the fees paid in that school should be deposited in the government treasury every month. There should be a provision to stop the salary hike and promotion of such people for some time. It has been 9 years since this order was issued, but the government has never taken cognizance of it.

In true sense, on the occasion of Teachers’ Day, those teachers should be honored who teach their own children in their own schools. This will encourage them and they will also become an example for others. It is often seen that famous teachers and teachers who receive great respect also teach their children in convents. If you look at the list of teachers being honored on Teachers’ Day today, it will be automatically confirmed that almost everyone’s children study in English schools. This is also a major reason for the deteriorating condition of government schools.

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