Take off the blindfold, Constitution in hand…These changes to the “Lady Justice” statue

Major changes to the Supreme Court’s “Lady Justice” statue. Currently, the blindfold on the statue has been removed. At the same time, instead of a sword, a copy of the Indian Constitution was retained. Supreme Court sources said the new statue was made last year and installed near the new Judges Library in April 2023. But now photos of it have emerged and are going viral.

It is understood that the statue was previously blindfolded to show that everyone is equal before the law. This means that the court does not discriminate in any way when making its decision. At the same time, the sword is also a symbol of authority and the power to punish injustice. Now, however, the newly installed statue of Lady Justice in the Supreme Court Justices’ Library has her eyes open, holding the Constitution in her left hand.

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