Vedanta Q3 Result: PAT jump 70 %; the company records the highest third quarter of the third quarter EBITDA in the third quarter of EBITDA to 112.84 billion rupees

Vedanta Q3 result: PAT jumps 70% YoY; company records highest ever 3rd quarter EBITDA of  <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>11,284 crore

2025-01-31 14:55:00 : Vedanta Q3 Result: On Friday, January 31st, Vedanta, led by Anil Agarwal, reported that the December (Q3FY25) increased by 70 % (Yoy) in December, merging net profit into BleakFrom 48.76 million Bleak28.68 million in the same quarter last year. The income of operation of this quarter increased by 10.2 % Bleak38,526 million … Read more