Britain’s ‘most hated woman’ who tried to buy twins from the US for £8,200 in cash-for-babies scandal speaks out after 23 years and says she wanted to ‘help someone from the back streets’

A mother who was branded ‘the most hated woman in Britain’ after paying to adopt twins from the US has said she would have given the girls ‘a good life’ and will always be open to ‘answer any questions’ about the scandal. Judith Kilshaw, from Wales and her husband Alan Kilshaw, found themselves embroiled in … Read more

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Failings of Europe’s elites fuel extremism

British voters have always been deeply suspicious of extremist politics, treating rabble rousers of the far-Left and far-Right with similar disdain. The same cannot be said of mainland Europe, where many major countries have succumbed to authoritarian regimes of one stripe or the other within living memory. Today, across the continent, extremism is on the … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: From my nursing days in the 1970s to the Pony Club mums gulled by Blair, how we always learn the hard way that you can’t trust Labour

On the eve of the 1997 general election, I was talking to a group of Pony Club mums in the village where I lived. All of them ‘followed the hunt’, even if they didn’t hunt themselves, and were proud supporters of country pursuits. I asked them how they planned to vote the next day — … Read more