The child rapist competing at the Olympics: Full story of the Dutch volleyball star convicted of having sex with British 12-year-old girl

The past has a way of catching up with criminals, particularly those whose victims are children. But in the case of Steven van de Velde, fate has had an odd way of showing it. There was revulsion and fury last week when it was revealed that the beach volleyball star will compete for the Netherlands … Read more

Till death do us part: Married Dutch couple, 70 and 71, who spent their lives together after meeting in pre-school are killed by lethal injection in double-euthanasia

A devoted couple who spent their lives together after meeting as small children have died side by side in what is just the latest case of double euthanasia in the Netherlands. Jan Faber and Els van Leeningen, aged 70 and 71, were married for almost five decades before they ended their lives by lethal injection … Read more