‘There was no security even in October 90…’, as Taslima had written, the condition of Hindus in Bangladesh is the same even after 31 years

This is the homeland of Muslims. There is no certainty about our lives here. If there is no certainty in our motherland, then where else on earth will there be any certainty… This is an episode from the controversial novel Lajja by popular Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen. Lajja is a novel published in 1993 by

‘To please those whom Hasina expelled me from the country…’, Taslima Nasreen’s post on Bangladesh

Amid the ongoing violent protests in Bangladesh, Bangladeshi writer and activist Taslima Nasrin has criticized the policies of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He has mentioned Sheikh Hasina and the protesters in his social media post. Taslima Nasreen said, “Hasina, to appease Islamic fundamentalists, threw me out of my country in 1999 when I entered