“Press This Button”: Portable Suicide Pod To Be Used In Switzerland Soon

The space-age-looking Sarco capsule was first unveiled in 2019. (File) Zurich: An assisted dying group expects a new portable suicide pod to be used for the first time in Switzerland potentially within months to provide death without medical supervision, they said Wednesday. The space-age-looking Sarco capsule first unveiled in 2019 replaces the oxygen inside of

Switzerland Halts Rollout Of ‘Sarco’ Suicide Pods, Dubbed “Tesla Of Euthanasia”

This ban came just weeks before it was supposed to be used for the first time. Just weeks before its scheduled first use, a futuristic pod dubbed the ”Tesla of euthanasia”, designed to carry out assisted suicides, has been banned in  Switzerland. Notably, the coffin-like death pod named Sarco would enable a euthanasia patient to press a