Pornographic video scandal in a girls college! Blackmailer is calling 70 girl students posing as police

MP News: There has been a stir in a government girls college in Jabalpur due to the obscene video scandal of the students. One after the other, many students are being blackmailed through phone calls. Through these phone calls coming from unknown numbers, the blackmailer is threatening the students to make their objectionable photos and

‘I will upload the video on the internet within 3 days…’, Facebook friend threatens married woman, makes obscene video and demands money

UP News: In Banda, a young man first befriended a married woman through Facebook, then made an obscene video. He kept raping her by threatening to make the video viral and kept demanding money. Not only this, when he did not get the money, he sent the obscene video of the woman to her husband.

After Badlapur, now Akola, teacher sexually abused 6 girl students by showing them pornographic videos

After the sexual abuse of two girls in Badlapur, Maharashtra, a similar case has come to light from Akola. Where Pramod Sardar, a teacher of the Zila Parishad School of Kajikhed, has been accused of molesting school girls. The accused sexually abused six students by showing them pornographic videos. This incident came to light on