Microsoft Windows Outage: How to Resolve the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue Due to CrowdStrike Bug

Microsoft Windows 10 is currently experiencing a widespread outage, leaving users across the globe staring at the dreaded blue screen of death (BSOD). This issue has disrupted critical systems in banks and airports, causing significant inconvenience. Reports suggest that this malfunction is likely due to a recent update from CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm. Understanding the

Have multiple fail safes in place to avoid Microsoft-like outages: Experts

New Delhi: Cybersecurity experts on Friday said that businesses must test their infrastructure and have multiple fail safes in place, however large the company is, as a massive Microsoft Windows outage created mayhem across the world, including in India — disrupting airlines, financial institutions, hospitals and more. Millions of Windows users globally faced the ‘Blue