‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’: Actress Deepika Padukone interacts with students; watch video | India News

Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone addressed students on mental health and well-being in the second episode of “Pariksha Pe Charcha” on Wednesday.During the conversation, Padukone discussed the natural feeling of stress and the importance of how students handle it. She said, “Being stressed is natural and it is a part of life. How we handle it, … Read more

Dating Apps May Have Negative Effects On Body Image, Mental Health: Study

Adelaide: Around 350 million people globally use dating apps, and they amass an estimated annual revenue of more than US$5 billion. In Australia, 49% of adults report using at least one online dating app or website, with a further 27% having done so in the past. But while dating apps have helped many people find … Read more