Why DO military horses keep running loose through London?

Military horses could ‘continue’ to run wild on the streets of London unless training drastically improves, an expert has told MailOnline. Household Cavalry horses bolted through the city earlier today on a blind-panic rampage for the second time this year after losing their riders. The incident happened around Knightsbridge when six horses from the Household Cavalry … Read more

Banksy let loose inflatable boat with dummy migrants onto crowd at Glastonbury during Idles gig – as band say they were unaware of stunt until they left the stage

An inflatable boat with dummy migrants which was launched onto the crowd at Glastonbury during a gig was let loose by Banksy. Idles, who were performing a set when the incident took place, say they were unaware of the stunt until they left the stage. During last night’s performance, the rock band also led the Glastonbury crowd … Read more