This New Zealand Mountain Granted Legal Rights Similar To A Human

In a landmark decision, New Zealand has granted Mount Taranaki, now officially known as Taranaki Maunga, the same legal rights as a human being, according to BBC. This recognition makes Taranaki Maunga the third natural feature in the country to be accorded individual status, after the Whanganui River and Te Urewera National Park. Indigenous people … Read more

Human Outer Ears May Have Evolved from Ancient Fish Gills, Study Finds

New research has highlighted a fascinating link between human outer ears and the gills of ancient fish. Gene-editing experiments have revealed that the cartilage in fish gills may have migrated to form the outer ear structures seen in mammals today. Scientists believe this evolutionary transformation took place millions of years ago, suggesting that the origins … Read more

Shocking X-ray Reveals Human Body Infested With Tapeworm Larvae

A chilling X-ray scan displaying calcified parasites embedded throughout a patient’s body has gone viral on social media. The image, shared by emergency room doctor Sam Ghali, shows what he described as one of the “most insane X-rays” he’s encountered, with the patient’s torso dotted by countless oblong shapes resembling a hailstorm. Dr Ghali said … Read more

US Court Declares Elephants Can’t Be Freed From Zoo As They’re Not ‘Human’

A US court has ruled that five elephants, currently being held at a Colorado zoo had no legal right to pursue their release since they are not human. An animal rights group brought the lawsuit on behalf of the gentle giants from Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, using a legal process known as habeas … Read more