‘When we gave our lives together, who will separate us’, the friends found hanging from a tree in Farrukhabad were cremated on a single pyre

The friends found hanging from a tree in Farrukhabad were cremated on the same pyre. The father of the deceased girl said that when both of them lived together, died together, then who are we to cremate them separately. Therefore, they were cremated together. Let us tell you that in Farrukhabad district, the bodies of

‘There are thorns pricking them, there are injuries on the body…’, the father of two friends found hanging from a tree in Farrukhabad raised questions on the police theory

The fathers of the two girls whose bodies were found hanging from a tree in Farrukhabad have alleged that they have been murdered. They said that the girls were hanged on the tree after killing them. The police, on the other hand, has ruled out the possibility of rape and murder. The police is saying