Tata Motors sees a top-tier exodus ahead of demerger

Mint is aware of at least half a dozen such departures since August, all in the ranks of team heads or above.  These include Biswaroop Mukherjee, who was head of human resources for the commercial vehicles business unit; Anurag Mehrotra, vice-president for international business and strategy; Vinay Pant, chief marketing officer–passenger vehicles; Vinay Pathak, head of … Read more

ITC Hotel debuted on BOURSES for the first time; it is planned to expand the investment portfolio to more than 200 properties within 5 years

ITC Hotels debuts on bourses; plans to expand portfolio to over 200 properties in 5 years

2025-01-29 16:57:00 : New Delhi, New Delhi, ITC Hotel on January 29 (PTI)-New entities after the diversified group ITC LTD listed on Wednesday on Wednesday-indicate that the plan to expand its investment portfolio to more than 200 hotels to exceed 200 hotels to exceed 200 hotels to exceed more than 200 hotel The next five … Read more