Mona’s body not found even after 10 days, committee members have hope of getting the money back… What is the update in Saharanpur Saurabh Babbar suicide case

Answers to many questions in the suicide case of Saharanpur businessman Saurabh Babbar are still unresolved. Saurabh’s body was found on August 11, but his wife Mona could not be found even after 10 days. Whereas, both of them had jumped into the Ganga of Haridwar together. Saurabh had written in the suicide note that

We are leaving this world, show this photo to everyone… Saurabh had sent a message to his servant Golu before suicide, he also went home at night.

After Saharanpur jeweler Saurabh Babbar committed suicide, now there is only one question on everyone’s lips that what happened on the day of the incident due to which Saurabh jumped into the river with his wife Mona. When Golu, who worked in Saurabh’s shop, was talked about this, he told the whole story. Golu says

Huge money was deposited in the committee, gold worth Rs 7 crore was also booked… What is the story of loan of Saurabh Babbar of Saharanpur?

Everyone is saddened after the suicide of Saharanpur jeweler Saurabh Babbar. A condolence meeting was organized in the city lawn yesterday. In which a large number of people participated and tried to console the family of the deceased. During this time, those businessmen who owed money to Saurabh also reached the condolence meeting. After the

‘Action should be taken against the moneylenders of Saharanpur…’, MP Imran Masood angry over Saurabh and Mona suicide case

The couple (Saurabh Babbar-Mona) from Saharanpur, UP, embraced death after being troubled by the debtors. He went to Haridwar and jumped into the Ganga. This incident shocked everyone. Now the statement of Congress MP Imran Masood has come in this matter. He has demanded action against moneylenders. Masood said that illegal work is being done

‘Gave interest indiscriminately, now goodbye’, troubled by loan sharks, Saurabh Babbar of Saharanpur committed suicide along with his wife, wrote these things in the suicide note

‘I am so trapped in the mire of debt that there is no way out. That’s why I and my wife are ending our lives…’, Saurabh Babbar of Saharanpur has written these lines in the suicide note. Troubled by debts, Saurabh along with his wife Mona committed suicide by jumping into the Ganga in Haridwar.