Confidence of American companies in China has been shaken, opportunity for India… considering shifting the plant

Political tensions, slow economic growth and fierce domestic competition are weakening the confidence of American companies to do business in China. A survey has claimed that this has led to a record drop in the outlook of American companies for doing business in China for the next 5 years. But India can get the biggest

Dragon’s order to companies.keep this technology hidden lest India gets hold of it!

The world’s second largest economy is growing at a slow pace (China Economy Growth). Due to fears of recession and inflation, many companies are also migrating from here. Meanwhile, China has issued an order for companies in the electric vehicle sector (EV Sector). The report said that China’s Commerce Ministry held a meeting with more

China’s Third Plenum Addresses Economic Challenges, Sets Long Term Reforms

The closed-door meeting was presided by Xi Jinping, head of the party’s Central Committee. China’s ruling Communist Party commenced its so-called third plenum on Monday, a major meeting held roughly once every five years to map out the general direction of the country’s long-term social and economic policies. Its Central Committee convened the plenary session,