Maharashtra: Kidnapped child found within four hours, TV actress Sabreen Shaikh arrested

Police in Vasai, Maharashtra, solved the mystery of the abduction of a three-and-a-half-year-old child in just four hours by arresting TV actress Sabreen Shaikh. The incident came to light on Saturday when three-and-a-half-year-old Prince was abducted from Gaurai Pada area. It is understood that the defendant is Sabreen Shaikh (22 years old), who plays small … Read more

Man who looted Rs 2 crore from ex-DRDO scientist arrested in Delhi, private worker turns out to be mastermind

Delhi Police has arrested two people, including his former employee, in connection with the robbery of Rs 2 crore cash and gold jewelery from a former DRDO scientist in Delhi’s Rohini area. Let me tell you that the incident occurred at around 12:50 noon on October 18 in the Prashant Vihar area, when five people … Read more